Google Ads (AdWords) Workbook: Advertising on Google Ads, YouTube, & the Display Network (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

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Learn Google Ads (AdWords) in Plain English – Step by Step!

Buy the Workbook Used by Jason McDonald to Teach Google Ads (AdWords) Advertising.

  • Updated – Fully updated for 2021, and focused on the new Google Ads Interface
  • Google Ads in all its Glory – master the Google Search Network, Google Display Network and Remarketing, Shopping Ads, and even YouTube
  • Read the Reviews – compare the REAL REVIEWS of this book compared to the REVIEWS (?) of other books
  • Learn to Advertise Your Business on Google without losing money
  • Watch Videos – view step-by-step companion VIDEOS that SHOW you how to use Google Ads effectively
  • Use the Worksheets – download WORKSHEETS that guide you step-by-step to AdWords success.
  • Access Free Tools – access the companion Marketing Almanac with free tools for Google AdWords!

The #1 Bestselling Workbook on Google Ads Advertising for Your Business

  • Jason McDonald – written by a successful practitioner of AdWords. Just Google ‘Google Ads Expert Bay Area.’
  • Stanford University – used by Dr. McDonald in his courses, both online and in face-to-face workshops
  • Got Questions? – just Google ‘Jason McDonald’ and send a quick email or call.

The author, Jason McDonald, has instructed thousands of people in his classes in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Stanford Continuing Studies, as well as online.

Table of Contents

  1. Google Ads Basics – the basics matter, so begin at the beginning.
  2. Google Ads Gotchas – identify and fix the four main ‘AdWords Gotchas’ that may be costing you a LOT OF MONEY.
  3. Keywords – find and leverage transactional keywords that make you money and nix ones that lose you money.
  4. The Search Network – optimize your Google Search Network efforts in AdWords step-by-step.
  5. Google Display Network – avoid rip offs in the GDN, and optimize for placements and strategies that truly work
  6. YouTube – Google’s subsidiary, YouTube, is the #2 Search Engine. Master video advertising easily.
  7. Shopping – Shopping Ads on Google including the Google Merchant Center.
  8. Metrics – Learn what you can and should measure in AdWords, and use this data to optimize your RETURN ON AD SPEND (ROAS)
  9. Tools – Includes a free companion Marketing Almanac, with hundreds of FREE tools to master AdWords better, faster, cheaper.

AdWords Advertising in PLAIN ENGLISH: let Jason guide you in SIMPLE language to INCREDIBLE return on investment via Google Ads / AdWords


Check out the other AdWords Books – Perry Marshall and Mike Rhodes Ultimate Guide to Google AdWordsAdWords for DummiesAdWords Secret HacksSEO Like I’m 5 etc., – they’re great, they’re good, but they don’t include powerful step-by-step worksheets, links to online videos, and the free AdWords Toolbook with hundreds of free tools for AdWords advertising 2020. Plus they’re OUTDATED. This AdWords book is listed as one of the best books on Google Ads 2020.

3 reviews for Google Ads (AdWords) Workbook: Advertising on Google Ads, YouTube, & the Display Network (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

  1. Lyn Murdock

    Google Ads has changed so much over the years. It’s hard to keep up! Here is help!

    Jason McDonald’s books have become my go-to for practical, down-to-earth guides when working with internet marketing. The guy knows his stuff, and he isn’t trying to sell it to you in a series of online seminars that will cost you several thousand dollars.

    In this books McDonald revisits Google Ads. I am sure that if you work in internet marketing you know the changes are endless and relentless. McDonald addresses the changes and informs readers about the importance of understanding the difference between Google’s Display platform and Google Search. He doesn’t just explain the difference. As always, he offers step-by-step action plans in bite size pieces. It’s like having Jason beside you teaching you how to improve your ad campaigns and, most importantly, the results. You’ll see how Google search network and google display can make or break your marketing campaign and budget.

    Jason readily admits that some of his ideas about the unknown and mysterious algorithms are just theories. The important thing for you to know is that he has put his ideas to the test and now shared his personal formula for success. This information could save your ad campaigns and help make the most of your tight advertising budget.

    My favorite aspects of this book include:
    -You will learn to fine tune your ads to get the most profitable clicks at the lowest possible price.

    -Discover nuanced differences in web behaviors and how these affect your click through rate and conversions.

    -Get caught up on how keyword and content marketing have evolved.

    -Find out how to access and use source code to brainstorm and evaluate keywords.

    -Understand and avoid negative costly keywords.

    -Work toward value instead of meaningless volume.

    -His to-do list will keep you busy, not with pointless exercises, but putting the information to work for your business. I’m keeping this book handy on Kindle for quick reference.

    If you are looking for a refreshing, clear instruction manual to maneuver through Google Ads, this book is for you. This book is packed full of phenomenal resources and links offering quick links so the reader can grow and learn more in the direction of their are of greatest need.

    There is so much packed in this volume. I am so glad I grabbed it. Whether you are starting out or have been in internet marketing for any length of time, this guy has information that will help.

  2. Mamanita

    The thing that I loved about this book was the facts, tried and true lessons that are answers to anyone’s questions concerning growing their business or just seeking or searching online for what you need.
    I liken this book to the card catalog of yesteryear. It’s just a bit more in depth, modern and helps you utilize resources by choosing right words and placing them appropriately in Google Ads.

    The author gives many video resources and also worksheets to reinforce what he explains along the way. They are helpful and in depth. I think it’s would be a fantastic book for a student in a classroom, even college classroom. Learning how to advertise online is something that takes preparation and consideration on the proper words, or lingo. Whether you’re searching for someone’s product or looking for a business, etc…It helps when you know the proper avenues. This book helps considerably with that task. I will definitely be utilizing it when I go to advertise my items on my Etsy shop which is called “Grandmascustom”. It can be an in depth advertisement, or just a simple keyword search on Etsy, or some other place you are opting to purchase something. It goes more in depth, but this is where I will glean from this book.
    The book is a “Game plan, Chapter by Chapter”.
    The “Workbooks are aimed primarily at small business owners and marketing mangers. Non-Profits will also find it useful.”
    If there was anything I didn’t like about this book, it would be that it was almost too much to take in at one time. It definitely could have been written in several pamphlets or volumes. Still, it’s great to have it all in one place too. Just a minor thing for me, but if you’re learning style is at all one that can’t handle overload, this might not be the best for you. I think it could have been a little better organized, but again, it’s a minor thing. Still very well written and you can follow along if you put your mind to the task.
    I believe if you purchase this book, you will definitely receive a good ROI (Return on your Investment). See, I already learned something, thanks to the Author.
    Great resourceful book. I hope you take it home with you today.

  3. Tesla

    I had experimented briefly with Google Ads in the past, so I knew how confusing it could be. Before I delved back into it, I wanted to get a handle on the basic concepts. This book provides a good foundation to get an ad campaign up and running. The author really hammers home the important stuff and doesn’t waste a lot of time on things that wouldn’t serve most businesses. He also points out traps that Google sets to try and get you to spend/waste more money. Thanks to this book, I feel a lot more confident advertising on Google this time around.

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